Review: Deceptive Innocence Part 1 by Kyra Davis

Deceptive Innocence: Part 1 (Pure Sin, #1)Deceptive Innocence: Part 1 by Kyra Davis

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A copy of this book was provided by the publisher for an honest review at Romancing Rakes for the Love of Romance.

One of my New Year’s resolutions for 2014 was to read fewer serials. With only a few notable exceptions, most of the ones I read last year had so many installments and ended up costing so much money that I was frustrated and annoyed by the time I reached the end. But when I found out Kyra Davis had a new three part serial available for review, I knew no resolution could keep me away. Her Just One Night serial was one of the best stories I read last year, and if this new one was half as good, it would be worth the wait to find out what happened next.

In Deceptive Innocence, we only know our heroine by the name she has given herself as a symbol of her quest for revenge. Bellona was the Roman goddess of war, and our heroine takes her cue from this woman who was “inspired with mad rage.” The rage is focused on righting the wrong done to our heroine’s mother, who had made many poor decisions in her life regarding men, ultimately paying with first her freedom, and then her life, after being framed for the murder of her last lover. After spending too much time choosing to believe that her mother had been capable of such an act, it’s only when her mother dies in prison that our Bellona finds her own reason to live, even if it’s only for the amount of time needed to make the family who framed her mother pay.

Lander Gable is on Bellona’s list of people who must pay, and her plan to become a part of his life works all too well. She knew he was handsome and charming, at least on the surface, but she hadn’t anticipated just how well they would fit together, especially in bed. Bellona’s confusion over her feelings for Lander could derail her goal to destroy him and his whole family. But what if he discovers who she really is before she has a chance to change her mind?

This first installment of Deceptive Innocence was just as delicious as I had anticipated, as good as anything I’ve ever read by Kyra Davis. She set up the motivation for our heroine without giving out more than the bare minimum required to generate interest, then slowly fed out just enough information to keep me hooked all the way to a perfect cliffhanger ending. Staying away from books with cliffhangers was another of my New Year’s resolutions, but they’re unavoidable in serials, and the one featured here in Part 1 restored my belief that good cliffhangers do still exist.

It would be too easy to assume that Lander is simply a misunderstood pawn in his evil family’s machinations simply because he’s the hero and this is a romance. But Just One Night showed me that Kyra Davis knows how to write characters who can’t be easily categorized as good or bad, so I’ll just hang on and enjoy the ride. I can’t wait to see how our heroine can reconcile her only reason for living with her growing need for Lander in Deceptive Innocence Part 2.

Favorite Quote:
I actually highlighted over 20 different passages in my Kindle, but here’s the one that best represents what I loved about Deceptive Innocence Part 1:

In this moment there is no plan. There is no revenge. There’s just Lander. And as he thrusts again, his eyes penetrating me with an equivalent force, I realize that in this moment that’s all I want.

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